UC Davis, The Center for Neuroscience, and the Gray lab were well represented at the March for Science in Sacramento.
Lindsay’s first synaptic recording!
Congrats to Lindsay for getting her first whole cell patch clamp AMPA receptor EPSC recording! Much faster than I did when I was learning e-phys, that’s for sure. And thanks to Eden and Jon for your great teaching!
Neuroscience Initiative to Enhance Diversity (NIED)
Thanks to Jon, Eden, and Lindsay for helping out with the NIED program today! http://neuroscience.ucdavis.edu/grad/outreach/
2017 Lab Photo
One of the rare moments everyone is in the lab at the same time! No, we didn’t plan to all wear flannel, and no, I don’t have an abnormally long left arm. L-to-R: Jon Wong, Sunny Zhang, Haley Martin, John
Welcome Lindsay Cameron!
Excited to have Lindsay Cameron from the Neuroscience Graduate Group rotating this quarter!