Eden’s Publications (Google Scholar)
Wong JM, Folorunso OO, Barragan EV, Berciu C, Harvey TL, Coyle JT, Balu DT, and Gray JA (2020). Postsynaptic serine racemase regulates NMDA receptor function. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(50): 9564-9575. PDF.
Crestani AP, Krueger JN, Barragan EV, Nakazawa Y, Nemes SE, Quillfeldt JA, Gray JA, and Wiltgen BJ (2019). Metaplasticity contributes to memory formation in the hippocampus. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(2): 408-412. PDF
Ly C, Greb AC, Cameron LP, Wong JM, Barragan EV, Wilson P, Burbach KF, Dunlap LE, Zarandi SS, Sood A, Paddy MR, Duim WC, Dennis MY, McAllister AK, Ori-McKenney KM, Gray JA, and Olson DE (2018). Psychedelics Promote Structural and Functional Neural Plasticity. Cell Reports, 23(11): 3170-3182. PDF
Kaur I, Yarov-Yarovoy V, Kirk LM, Plambeck KE, Barragan EV, Ontiveros ES, and Díaz E (2016). Activity-dependent palmitoylation controls SynDIG1 stability, localization, and function. Journal of Neuroscience 36(29): 7562-7568.
Schutte SS, Schutte RJ, Barragan EV, and O’Dowd DK (2016). Model systems for studying cellular mechanisms of SCN1A related epilepsy. Journal of Neurophysiology, 115(4): 1755-1766.
Schutte RJ, Schutte SS, Algara J, Barragan EV, Gilligan J, Staber C, Savva YA, Smith MA, Reenan R, and O’Dowd DK (2014). Knock-in model of Dravet Syndrome reveals a constitutive and conditional reduction in sodium current. Journal of Neurophysiology, 112(4): 903-912.